Dismantle the Ghetto (photos)

La manifestation "Dismantle the Ghetto" / Démontez le Ghetto de Hébron, le 28 février 2020.
Les drapeaux de 3 organisations politiques flottent devant la tour mameluque (13e siècle) de la mosquée Sheikh al Bakka.

Les revendications sont portées par des palestiniens et par des israélien.ne.s anti-sionistes aussi.

The Dismantle the Ghetto demonstration in al Khalil.

Flags in front of the Mameluk (13th C) minaret of the Sheikh al Bakka mosque.
Demands carried by both Israelis and Palestinians.

A group of Israelis was present. Good for them.


Difficult to be anti-Sionist in the present political climate; showing your opposition to government human rights violations means you risk ostracism and reduced job opportunities.

Experienced protestors told me about regular anti-occupation activities in Tel-Aviv.

They were also very aware and clear about their privileged position:  they might get roughed up a bit by soldiers, but are not running the same risks as Palestinians, or even as Europeans.

Fin de manif, quelques échanges de pierres et de grenades assourdissantes.

Another Israeli point of view on the occupation of al-Khalil, this is from a soldier serving in the city somewher between 2005-2007:

"Now that you’re out of the Occupied Territories, what do you have to say?"
"I’d say it’s absurd. I’d say it corrupts us. I’d say it corrupts them. I’d say we lose in
both directions. I’d ask people to put this on their agenda, to understand and learn
and check out what goes on there. I’d ask them to go there and talk to people. I’d
ask them to tune in, to understand that for our society, even on the most selfish
grounds, this is one of our worst ills, the severest of them all for Israeli society, for
the people, the state, the economy, society, education. One of our worst ills. Our


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