This picture embodies my feelings about my stay in the South Hebron Hills: I'm hearing and seeing troubling things and have to make sense of them.
So let's look at the picture. You have an expanse of agricultural landscape.
The land is in use: its people should be facing the challenges set by nature, by industrialisation, pollution and globalisation. Instead, they must use their energy and resources trying to avoid being engulfed by the ongoing Nakba.
The Palestinian farmer in the picture is explaining how his land was snatched by the illegal Israeli occupation.
Local people spend lots of time educating visitors about the situation in their area, clearing up misconceptions and propaganda. They do this in the hope that their truths will be carried across the world....
I'm sitting back, my mind buzzing; thinking about actions, remedies, conflict and power.
To still that buzzing in my mind, I'm writing out my story of my visit to Tuwani. My themes are - as ever - human rights, ecology and farming.
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