
Zionist supremacy illustrated

Zionist supremacy illustrated
The first photo was taken in the old town of Hebron/al Khalil.
Check out the bright building with its flag, its security camera and its razor wire. Underneath are the buildings the Palestinian live in
The shops in the decrepit old city are closed down at the whim of the Israeli Occupation Forces who perform regular sorties from their control post.
The centre of Hebron has now about 28 checkpoints, an increase from 18 in 2015.
The second photo shows a main shopping street 2 days ago.
Under Occupation, there are few jobs. A young guy we were chatting to in a shop this morning earns his living in a restaurant in Tel Aviv. This kind of job is subject to Israeli permits, long waits at checkpoints and closures of the roads and checkpoints.
There was a big demo against the onslaught on Gaza yesterday afternoon, after the demo 2 of the young men protesting the occupation were shot by the IOF.
Why did they die?

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