Des liens, des lectures, des pistes, des idées....
Je pose quelques éléments de contexte, comme exercice de rédaction et pour m'entraîner à l’utilisation de ce
L'actualité de janvier 2020:
le plan de paix de Trump - صفقة القرن
''Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel's 'undivided capital' under Middle East peace plan.
Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ is so absurd and banal, it’s impossible to take it seriously.''
Robert Fisk in the
Some reading
Ali Abunimah The Battle for Justice
in Palestine (contemporary international support for Palestine )
Sarah Irving's guidebook Palestine ( pro-BDS and travelling? the best book I've seen)
- James Barr A line in the
Sand (The British Mandate, and the creation of Israel)
- Ilan Pappe, The Forgotten Palestinians (History of Palestinians living in Israel)
- Edward Platt, The City of Abraham (Hebron)
And, unlike Jared Kushner, MORE than 25 other books. ;)
- free dowload here: A brief Framing of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.